Craig Changing the Landscape in Eudunda

More changes seen at Nutrien – Pfitzner & Kleinig as local business Craig Driver of Driver Enterprises installs a new retaining wall between Nutrien and the Eudunda Post Office.
More changes seen at Nutrien – Pfitzner & Kleinig as local business Craig Driver of Driver Enterprises installs a new retaining wall between Nutrien and the Eudunda Post Office.
Come along to the Market2nd November 2024Eudunda Centenary GardensGRAB A BARGAIN! Great Opportunity For Sellers Market Coordinated by the Eudunda Community Hub & ShedFree Entry, Eudunda Centenary Gardens8:30am to 12:30pm– – – – –Bric-A-Brac, Food, Crafts, PlantsAND MUCH MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Jenny 0416 253 168Facebook Group
Starting from Kapunda – South Australia.The event date for this year is on the weekend 12th to 14th of July 2024. Volunteers needed! We need you! The 24 Hour Trial runs on the work of volunteers. This year with a record field of riders, we need more volunteers than ever to make the historic centenary celebrations…
The Eudunda Show have an exciting announcement to make!! They are hosting a ‘Eudunda Hoedown’ on April 13th at the Eudunda Show Hall. Dust off your boots and come along for a family fun event and learn how to line dance!Food and drinks will be available to purchase. We will be joined by a special…
Last Friday 21st July, 28 players enjoyed the winter sunshine. Clubs represented were Cadell, Kapunda, Angaston, Lyndoch, Lobethal, Tanunda and of course Eudunda. The flag flew at half mast in memory of Tony Scoot, well-respected Eudunda bowler and friend who died on 15th July. Members were informed of the wake to celebrate his life, to…
Are you aware of the “Wheelie Bin Prize” which is part of this year’s Eudunda SALA. Decorate your wheelie bin with the theme “Flowering Impressions”. Fill-in the entry form (below) and display on the street outside your place from the 4th to 13th August. NOTE: Artworks and entry forms to be delivered to one of…
Everyone in Eudunda would like to wish the team representing Eudunda all the best for this Saturday’s Grand Final. Saturday Pennants 23rd March 2024 Division 4: Eudunda vs Lyndoch Blue at Freeling GRAND FINAL C. Menz, B. Marshall, J. Felby, P. DutschkeJJoy Fiegert, R. Cavanagh, P. Milham, R. FiegertCars Leave: 7:45amDrivers: B. Marshall, R. Fiegert…