Counting Sheep To Get To Sleep (Or All Livestock) As Recommended By Crime Stoppers SA

Crime Stoppers South Australia Recommend
Accurate Livestock Records Can Help
If you’re a farmer then vigilance is the first line of defence when it comes to stock theft:
Know the signs: Unexplained changes in stock numbers, unfamiliar vehicles or unusual activities around livestock could be red flags.
Secure livestock: Ensure stockyards are secure and access points are locked. Implement ID tagging and keep records to aid in quick identification and recovery in case of theft.
Report suspicious activity: If something doesn’t add up, report it! Your information is crucial in putting a stop to stock theft. Call 131 444 for police assistance or anonymously contact Crime Stoppers if you’ve seen or heard something that seems suspicious.
Knowledge is power: Arm yourself with knowledge about preventing stock theft and keeping your property safe.
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