Councillors Say ‘NO!’ To Extending Submission Time on Elector Representation Review
A rather bewildering vote by Council seems to squash any likelihood of a fair chance to review for Eudunda Electors.

At the Regional Council of Goyder Council Meeting on Tuesday 15th December 2020, Eudunda Ward Councilor Peter Schiller asked a series of questions to try clarify the statistics put forward in the Representation Options Paper – ELECTOR REPRESENTATION REVIEW – November 2020
These questions and the statistics can be seen in point 5 QUESTIONS WITH / WITHOUT NOTICE
of the Draft Council Meeting Minutes on Tuesday 15th December 2020.
Quite rightly and responsibly Cr Schiller then attempted to gain more time for the local Eudunda electors to review the Representation Paper and to make submissions. See
Draft Council Meeting Minutes on Tuesday 15th December 2020
6.1.1 Cr. Schiller moved that; the closing date for submissions for the representation review be amended to Friday 5 of February 2021, in view of the fact that the Eudunda Council office is closed until January 19.
Cr. Hibbert seconded the motion
If you look at the names of Councillors present 1.2.1 of the minutes, and see that the two Eudunda Ward Councillors asked for a sensible extension for the Eudunda electors and it was defeated, you have a very good idea of how this review may be and why the Eudunda Ward needs to have fair representation with a third Councillor and no boundary changes. Equal should be Equal!
So – How about it Eudunda Electors – Write a submission Now! Don’t let your rights be sidetracked.
If you don’t have much time you can still send a quick submission to David Stephenson, Regional Council of Goyder, and send to
That you wish to have a fair representation on Council and that with the current options you see
Option 4 – Have an additional councilor in the Eudunda ward making 3 with 8 councilors overall, from the
“Representation Options Paper – ELECTOR REPRESENTATION REVIEW – November 2020“
being the best option suggested, and that there should be no boundary changes.
You may wish to additionally make sure your email got through by requesting a ‘read receipt’ and phoning Emily to confirm she received your email submission
If you have time please make a Full Written Submission to the council with your thoughts.
You may wish to consider some of the points on the next article and may have some other great points too.
Although the next edition will be after close of submissions, if your thoughts are to improve the representation for the Eudunda Ward, (and they are printable), local residents will be keen to know what they are. There is a second opportunity to make submissions coming up later and sharing your thoughts might be of great benefit to Council and the Eudunda Ward Electors.
Header image: YOUR SAY – free image from