19th Hole Community Bingo – Every Thursday Night – Eudunda Golf Club

Christmas Raffle available right now. Great items beautifully presented in gift baskets. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 and are available at the Heritage Gallery. This is a fund raiser for the Gallery, please support us.Thank You to all who donated toward the prizes. And to all those…
The Eudunda boys Mally Schutz, Rob Cavanagh, Mike Rees and Preston Eva won the tournament at Burra on Australia Day and were treated to roast lamb for lunch! Beautiful weather greeted eighteen Night Bowlers last Tuesday. The winners of the night were the three ‘G’s -George Mitev, Geoff Mosey and Greg Prior who had an…
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 3rd July 2023Commencing at 7.00pmEudunda RSL Rooms, 2 Railway Pde, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to attend. More information soon.
Thursday Morning Pennants 18th January 2024 Eudunda vs Angaston at Angaston C. Schutz, Joy Pfitzner, J. Milde, D. TwartzM. Nietschke, J. Fiegert, L. Mosey, R. ScootL. Kleinig, B. Marshall, P. Dutschke, J. HamsCars Leave: 8.15Drivers: C. Schutz, L. Kleinig, B. Marshall Thursday Afternoon Pennants 18th January 2024 Division 1: Eudunda vs Freeling at Eudunda G….
Sandy at the Eudunda Robertstown School Community Library is calling for those who might be interested in enchasing their computer skills and knowledge to contact her on 8581 1587.
The 2021/22 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 30th April 2021 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? You only have a short time left to go through your photos and enter them in the 2021 competition. Your photo could be in the Regional Council of Goyder 2021/22 Community Calendar!…